INGREDIENTS 1Kg Marrone Pasini Flour400ml Water100ml Milk25gm Yeast. Beer15gm Oil (Sunflower)30gm sea saltA pinch of sugar
Place the Pasini flour in a mixer and add water as you mix at a slow speed for 4 minutes.Once the dough has a consistent feel increase the speed of the mixer and add milk, yeast, salt and a pinch of sugar.Once all the ingredients have mixed in , slow the mixer and add oil for a final mix of 6 minutes.Your Focaccia mix should be ready.
Grease a baking sheet 40 x 60 cm, or make round with a diameter of 50 centimeters.Put in the baking tray about 1,200 kg of the dough and slightly oil the doughPlace the tray in an oven and slightly warm oven to approximately T 30/35 ° allowing leavening to commence for 1 hour.Remove and re spread the mixture evenly in the tray right up to the edges and re oil slightly.Make it rise again for 2 hours at 30/35 °
Remove & add sea salt and decorate with product of choice including either rosemary, onions & cherry tomatoes.
Now the final bake for approximately 10 minutes at 280/290 ° C in an electric or gas oven.